Section I: System Materials
1. The Winnefox Library System (WLS) member library is responsible for overdue, lost or damaged WLS materials on loan to their libraries. This includes rotating and permanent deposit, as well as, booking material items. Only damages beyond normal ware will be charged.
2. WLS uses the overdue notices and bills generated by WALS computer system to track overdue materials. The standard loan periods for WLS rotating collections are as follows:
Large print books |
180 days |
Adult books on cassette |
90 days |
Children's cassette/books |
90 days |
Filmstrip kits |
90 days |
Video cassettes |
60 days |
The standard loan periods for WLS booking collections are as follows:
Kits (BiFolkal, Down Memory Lane, Tales-to-Go, |
14 days |
Big Books |
14 days |
Holiday filmstrip kits |
7 days |
Video cassettes |
7 days |
Overdue notices for WLS materials are printed as follows:
First notice |
20 days after due date |
Bill for unreturned materials |
60 days after due date |
3. For unreturned and lost/damaged materials, the replacement cost of the item will be determined. If the item is available for replacement, the actual replacement cost will be charged. If the material is no longer available the standard replacement fee will be charged.
4. When materials are returned to WLS with items missing and no WLS Lost/Damaged Report included, the system will send a report to the member library for follow-up. The member library will be invoiced for the missing materials if items are not returned within two weeks after the notice is sent.
Standard replacement fees are based on average cost of materials.
Standard replacement fees:
Large print books |
$25 |
Books on cassette |
$8/tape |
Children's cassette/books |
$20 |
Filmstrips |
$35 |
Rotating video cassettes |
$35 |
Booking video cassettes |
$100 |
BiFolkal, Down Memory Lane and complete Tales- To-Go kits) |
$270 |
Big Books |
$20 |
Puppet kits |
$100 |
No processing fee will be charged.
Individual items from the BiFolkal, Down Memory Lane and Tales-To-Go kits will be invoiced at actual replacement cost.
5. In lieu of paying the standard replacement price, a library may replace a lost or damaged item with an exact edition copy of the lost or damaged item.
6. Winnefox Library System keeps records for lost and paid items for one year after the item is paid for, in the event that a member library is able to return the item and request a refund.
Section II: Interlibrary Loan
1. The Winnefox Library System (WLS) member library is responsible for materials borrowed on interlibrary loan, from the time the materials leave the supplying library until they have been returned and received by the supplying library.
2. An overdue notice is sent 10 days after the due date. A bill is sent 30 days after the due date. A letter is sent 90 days after the due date.
3. A WLS member library should respond promptly to any overdue notice or bill for interlibrary loan materials.
4. If the individual patron who checked out the item from the WLS member library loses or damages the item, the WLS member library is responsible for getting the patron to return the item or to pay the replacement cost.
5. If the WLS member library is unable to get the individual patron to return the item or pay the replacement cost, the WLS member library is responsible for paying the bill or replacing the item, in accordance with the preference of the lending library.
6. The Winnefox Library System Interlibrary Loan Department keeps paperwork for lost and paid materials for one year after the item is paid for, in case the borrowing library is able to return the item and request a refund.
7. In accordance with standard interlibrary loan guidelines, continued disregard for overdue, lost, or damaged materials may be reason for suspension of borrowing privileges by a lending library.